Thursday, December 14, 2017


Mrs. Maggart’s first-grade class wrote summaries of favorite fairy tales they've been reading. They then presented their summaries news in a "report style" on our RETELLivsions while a buddy filmed their video.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Grade 4 Coding, Scratch, and Pixel Art

Mrs. Vazquez's classroom enjoyed all the coding activities for this week. They used Scratch and some pixel drawing software. This week was the "Hour of Code" across the district, and throughout the world. Students in record numbers spent at least an hour coding.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Students in Mrs. Smith’s second grade class spent some time exploring caves. Using a lesson in Nearpod, students were engaged in a learning format that was interactive with the teacher. Some of the lesson included visiting caves via an ipad, which included 360° tours. So much was learned in a fun way!

Mrs. Frick's Class Decomposing Fractions and Unit Fractions

Mrs. Frick's 5th graders were using a Nearpod lesson on Decomposing Fractions and Unit Fractions. Nearpod is a wonderful tool that teachers use to present lessons in an interactive format.  Students were actively engaged, motivated, and received immediate feedback.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Ozobots! Second Grade Learns to Program Robots!

Mrs. Majeed's second-grade class experienced working with Ozobots. What is an Ozobot? Ozobot is a little toy robot that teaches kids programming. By drawing different color lines and making different shapes, students are creating a code for the Ozobot to follow. The Ozobot will perform various tasks

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Free Enterprising Third Graders!

Mrs. Timson's students learn about free enterprise while working at a virtual lemonade stand.  Students needed to read the daily newspaper to read the weather and what events are happening in their community that may affect their sales.

Students were adjusting their price and supply to make the most profit.

Then they would review their data to see if they made a profit or loss.  Then they were challenged to adjust their price accordingly to make the most money.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

President Reports with iPads

First Grade students engaged students with a life-size Abe Lincoln outside the door. The students were quite interested to know "How did you know that about him?"

Mrs.Maggart and Mrs.Evans told them they had researched facts about him, and they too were going to become presidential experts. Students randomly were assigned either Abe Lincoln or George Washington. Students were to record what they already knew about their assigned president and what they wanted to learn about them in their research.

Students used the provided QR codes to access resources: videos, expository texts, and Pebble Go. 

Students recorded their notes/findings on the provided graphic organizers, including a diagram and a timeline they had to put in chronological order based on their findings.

After they had completed their research, they wrote a script from their president's point of view, used a provided QR code to access a video of a directed drawing to create an illustration of their president, and then created a Chatterpix of their findings. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Mrs. McGhee's Grade 2 Coding with Ipads

Mrs. McGhee's second graders experienced some coding apps using the Ipads. They worked on several apps to learn coding, such as Light Bot and Box Island.

Students advanced quickly through the exercises, which became more difficult as they mastered each level.

It was fun to learn that behind the games they play, there is a new language, and students were able to pick up that coding language very quickly. It was a great exercise in giving and following directions. Concentration was the key!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Mrs. Smith's Second Grade Coding...

Mrs. Smith's 2nd Grade class future coders are fully engaged in these exciting coding experiences! 

They will be doing this again real soon! 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Using Padlet in Grade 3 - Next Gen Class

Mrs. Timson's Next Gen class worked on a padlet to show "I notice" and "I wonder" for various changes to land.  For example, students looked at an image of effects of an earthquake on a road that was destroyed.  Students were asked to write an "I notice... " statement and an "I wonder..." statement.

Students also answered a question through Goolge classroom that took the place of a KWL chart.  Students wrote what they know about changes to land and what they want to know about landslides, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

We also used images of Minecraft to introduce the concept of area.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The 2nd Graders in Mrs. Fernandez class learned how to code today using a website called 

Students had the opportunity to choose their level and a theme they liked (Star Wars, Moana, Angry Birds, Minecraft, etc.) and build programs to make characters perform specific tasks.

The site also had tutorials with guest speakers like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg telling students how they got started in the business of programming. We plan to visit the site again and learn how to build code for math programs

Monday, January 9, 2017

Resource Uses Nearpod

Crystal Plemons' 3rd grade math group used Nearpod through out their entire multiplication unit.  They used it to show various strategies learned, like making equal groups, creating arrays, use of a number line, etc. 

The students were highly engaged in the activities and were excited each time they were directed to go get their iPads and access the Nearpod app. 

It was great and really helped the teacher get more comfortable with creating her own activities and lessons on the app.

What is a Nearpod? "Nearpod allows teachers to construct presentations using the Nearpod website and deliver instruction to students by pushing content out to multiple devices at once. The teacher controls the presentation from a master iOS device, while students follow along on a class set of iPods or iPads."